Moto Hope Capital penetrates Nairobi’s largest informal settlement.

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95% of our target audience in Nairobi’s Ngumo area in Kibera slum lives on under a dollar a day and is unbanked. This generally means that they have little or no access to loans from banks and other financial institutions. Hence Moto Hope Capital is in the pursuit to transform lives and improve the welfare of as many as possible in the area. Thus far we have registered 98 clients 90% of whom are women.

On the third of October 2019, we held a financial literacy Training at Canaan Community Social Hall which also served as our maiden one-on-one customer engagement (Know Your Customer). The engagement allowed us to answer the many questions from our new clients concerning the services we offer, micro-loans, savings, micro-insurance, and micro-pension. The members were very receptive and are eager to receive the financial and non-financial support that Moto Hope Capital has to offer. We are all too excited about growing with them one step at a time.

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